Posted Jan 13 2020 | By

Green resolutions for 2020

Why not make a personal resolution to make the planet a little bit greener in 2020? Last week we came up with some suggestions of things we could do in our day-to-day lives:

  • Did you know that homes in 2020 could be less insulated than in 2013? We have no hope in achieving our net zero energy targets if this remains the case. One of the biggest contributions you could make is to help us fix Part L by responding to the consultation. To make life easier, we have helped LETI prepare a set of condensed answers for the consultation that you can submit here.
  • Another way for you to be greener this year is to switch to an energy provider which uses renewable sources. Green energy doesn’t need to cost more and, for some providers, you can take advantage of incentives for switching. Here are a few worth checking out: Bulb; Good Energy; Outfox The Market; Ecotricity; OVO Energy and Co-op Energy. Click here for a comparison summary and advice on how to switch.
  • Giving up caffeine or alcohol this January? Why not make a personal resolution to give up using takeaway coffee cups and single use plastic instead? You could also go one step further and shop at a ‘loose food shop’ without any plastic packaging.
  • Are you a city dweller looking to improve biodiversity? You could buy a plot of land for conservation and rewilding in the Scottish Highlands: follow this link to get started.
  • Why not better understand energy efficiency by finding out how much energy your home uses? You can calculate your total annual energy consumption using last year’s gas and electric bills and then divide by the total floor area. A new build net zero carbon home should only use < 35 kWh/m2 per year (i.e. operational carbon). Learn about the ten key criteria to achieve Net Zero Operation Carbon in new buildings with the one-page summary by LETI.

Lastly, you can keep up-to-date with the latest news and events by joining a climate action group or subscribing to a relevant mailing list:

  • London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI): industry-led network
  • Architects Climate Action Network (ACAN): architects/individuals network
  • UK Green Building Council (UKGBC): professional network.