Posted Aug 30 2023 | By Rachel Porter

Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion

It was that time of year again over the weekend for Manchester Pride! - A time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and raise awareness of the challenges that continue to face LGBTQ+ people. It was about supporting diversity, progression and inclusion. It was about raising awareness and acknowledging there is still work to be done to ensure we are all respected equally. What better way to than coming together to transform the city into a sea of vibrant colours and uniting towards one goal – equal opportunity for people of all sexual identities and genders.

The field of architecture is not immune to the diversity and inclusivity challenges that persist in society. As a discipline responsible for shaping and constructing the built environment, it is imperative that architecture promotes a sense of belonging and acceptance for individuals from all walks of life, including those who identify as LGBTQ+.

Promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace across the built environment profession is important to ensure we are all moving in the right direction. There are some great organisations making real change in the industry such as Building Equality, Architecture LGBT+ and Constructing Rainbows.

It is also important for employers to ensure workplaces are inclusive and to give employees the skills and tools to identify discrimination and how they should communicate with their fellow colleagues. Architecture has the power to shape experiences and wellbeing of individuals on a daily basis. Inclusive design is key to breaking down barriers and ensuring everyone feels respected and included in the workplace. For example, designing spaces that are gender neutral, allows for fluidity and flexibility that can create an environment that cater to the needs of LGBTQ+ individuals.

At Levitt Bernstein we have an EDI group who meet monthly with the aim to make a change across all aspects of equality, diversity and inclusion. The group has been great at highlighting key dates, raising money for charity, raising awareness of important training and highlighting milestones or important news.

I’m proud to be part of the team at Levitt Bernstein that promote diversity and inclusion of all forms. Although being LGBTQ+ in the UK has come a long way in terms of acceptance and equality, there are still occasions in the news that remind us of discrimination LGBTQ+ people face daily. Continued effort is necessary to address the remaining challenges.

Achieving a more inclusive and supportive architecture profession requires a multi-faceted approach that challenges existing norms and empowers the LGBTQ+ community. By increasing representation, implementing inclusive design practices, and forging collaborative partnerships, the field of architecture can create an environment that celebrates diversity, fosters equality and ensures that everyone feels welcome and valued in the spaces they inhabit.

Here are some photos of our pride events of the last few years - Happy Pride!